A student council election, a sports festival, stargazing, and shopping trips are but a few of the adventures Miyuki and Kaguya will go on in their mission to break the other into a confession of love2906 Season 2 of Kaguya Sama Love is War has ended Compared to previous episode this episode was quite underwhelming especially for a last episode The episode was notArmsの"力"を失っていた高槻涼たちだが、久留間恵がアザゼルとのコンタクトに 憎悪の謎など、すべてが明らかになって、涼のジャバウォックとカツミのバンダー スナッチとの最後の戦いが始まる!!這算是正版的序章~ 但這小地圖 一開始就有著L38的バンダー スナッチ"小"Boss存在(靠這體型哪裡小了!!!!!
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